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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Another Change

As you know our MOMs club web presence is undergoing a bit of a shift. In doing this we have opted to use our blog in a different way this year. Don't worry we didn't forever delete things, we still have all of those old entries archived. We have choosen just a few key posts to get us started this year. If you are visiting us for the first time, please link on the about us tab at the top of this page to find out more and how to become a member.

Much Aloha.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

MOMS Club LOVES the park!

Whether it's afternoon park dates, lunch in the park or playgroup,
one thing is for certain: We LOVE the park.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

How to Find and Interview a Pediatrician!

Hi everyone! I found this pretty helpful article on How to Find and Interview a Pediatrician. I hope you all find some good tips in there. Thank you to Elaine Barber for sending in the article. I will be posting more articles from her in future blog entries. =)

How to Find and Interview a Pediatrician by Elaine Farber

Please welcome our Guest Contributor, Elaine Farber, Newborn/Specialist/Consultant and author of Baby Lists: What to Do and What to Get to Prepare for Baby, who joins us today to lend a hand in finding and interviewing a pediatrician.

Choosing the right pediatrician is one of the most important decisions you make for your children. You want to find a pediatrician in a practice that makes you feel confident and comfortable. Your pediatrician should also be warm, compassionate, and open to your thoughts and feelings, and you should share similar views on child rearing. If you know the sex of your children you might want to consider choosing a pediatrician of the same gender if you are having same-sex twins, or a group of pediatricians with both genders, if you are having boy-girl twins. When children become teenagers, they often feel more comfortable with a doctor of the same sex. Another thing to think about is the age of the doctor. If you choose an older doctor, ask whether retirement is in the near future and, if so, who will take over the practice. Choose the right pediatrician, and he/she might be able to treat your children from birth through adolescence.
It’s a good idea to begin your search for a pediatrician during your sixth month of pregnancy. This will give you plenty of time to decide on the right pediatrician before your babies are born. Compile a list of candidates by asking friends, relatives, coworkers, neighbors, and your obstetrician for recommendations.
After you’ve compiled your list of candidates set up appointments with several pediatricians. Different doctors have different approaches to child rearing. You want to make sure you select the one that best suits your family’s needs. Arrange to meet pediatricians individually and in person. If possible, both parents should attend the first meeting. Don’t interview pediatricians over the phone. Only a face-to-face meeting will let you know whether a pediatrician has the type of personality and philosophy about child rearing that you are seeking. It is very important to feel comfortable with the pediatrician you choose.
When interviewing a prospective pediatrician never feel afraid or embarrassed to ask questions. Remember; you children are your most precious gifts. Here are some specific questions you will want to ask.
• How long have you been in practice?
• Do you have any subspecialties?
• What are your office hours?
• How can I reach you in an emergency?
• If you can’t be reached in an emergency, what procedure should I follow?
• Is there an after-hours clinic and, if so, when is it open?
• What are your feelings regarding breastfeeding, bottle feeding, starting solid foods, circumcision, getting the babies to sleep, vitamins, immunizations, taking the babies out in public, traveling with baby.
• What child-care books do you recommend?
When you’re expecting multiples, twins, triplets or quads there are a few added questions to ask a perspective pediatrician. First, you want to find out if the pediatrician has experience taking care of multiples. How many sets of multiples are patients in his practice? If the pediatrician has experience taking care of multiples he will have a better understanding of things particular to multiples. He will probably have more experience with premature babies, as multiples often come early. Multiples are individuals and should be treated as such. The pediatrician you choose should be able to reassure you about each baby’s individual growth and developmental patterns.

In addition to talking with the pediatrician, you’ll want to ask the doctor’s staff some questions. When you make your appointment, be sure to ask whether there will be a staff member available to answer questions. Here are a few pertinent questions to ask the staff.
• How does the office handle phone inquiries?
• Is there an advice nurse available to answer questions?
• Is there a 24-hour answering service that will connect to a doctor?
• How far in advance do I have to schedule appointments?
• If I have multiples will the doctor be able to see all the babies at the same appointment?
• If my child is sick, can I get an appointment that same day?
• How often are well-baby visits?
• Do newborns and well children have to wait in the same waiting room with sick children?
• When we arrive for our appointment, what is the typical waiting time before we see the doctor?
• What happens if we miss a scheduled visit?
After you’ve interviewed both the pediatrician and the staff ask yourself a few questions.
• Do you and this pediatrician share similar views on topics such as breastfeeding, circumcision, working mothers, day care, and so on?
• If not, is the pediatrician open to different opinions or other approaches?
• Does the pediatrician seem to be up on the latest medical advances?
• Did the doctor welcome questions and take the time to address your concerns?
• Did the pediatrician and office staff treat you courteously or curtly?
• Is the office conveniently located?
• Is there ample parking?
• If you have multiples are the examination rooms big enough to accommodate multiple children?
• Did the waiting room and the examination rooms have toys and books?
• Was everything clean?

If you were happy with the interview and satisfied with the answers to the questions you’ve asked yourself, you’ve probably found the right pediatrician for your family.

Elaine Farber is a Newborn/Specialist/Consultant and author of Baby Lists: What to Do and What to Get to Prepare for Baby. Elaine has over thirty years experience caring for single and multiple birth babies. She has made a career of loving and nurturing babies in a variety of environments. Elaine’s love for children has prompted her to investigate and review a multitude of products in real-world conditions. Elaine has coached families through every aspect of early parenting, from selecting the right hospital to choosing the proper diapers. She knows firsthand which items are the easiest to use, and the safest for baby. Baby Lists is a great baby registry resource and how to prepare guide for expectant parents before baby arrives.

Visit Elaine’s website at www.babylistsbook.com or contact her directly at babylists@aol.com. Baby Lists is available at www.amazon.com and in local book stores.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Yummy Recipe

We have been MIA...sorry for that. It's been a busy new year....

Well just wanted to add a recipe I just learned and it's so good and easy. I'm not a cook and I admit to being one of those moms who would rather go out to eat because that is easier. A friend emailed this to me and I had everything on hand so I thought why not. It's a winner in my home!!

Chicken Enchiladas
2 cups of boiled chicken (I like to use leftover costco rotisserie chicken.)
1 can cream of mushroom/chicken
1 can sliced olives
1/2 grated onion
1 cup cheddar cheese
2 can 10 oz. Rosarita enchilada sauce

Mix chicken, soup, 1 can sauce and grate onion. Roll chicken mixture in tortillas and place close together in a pan. Pour remaining sauce over and top with cheese. Bake for 30 min. at 350 degrees. Garnish with olives and sour cream.

enchiladas Pictures, Images and Photos

This is not my picture, but it looks exactly like it...enjoy...

Sunday, January 11, 2009

MOMS Club Safety Tips!

We had such a great and informative monthly meeting ! I hope all the moms who were able to make it learned a little something from the safety talk presented by a police officer. Here’s just a few tips that I thought were worth sharing:

1. If you’re at home in your house and have everything closed (windows and doors), and there is a knock at the door, but you don’t want to answer it, it’s best that you do. This might sound a little crazy, but, by not answering it, a burglary could occur. The burglar assumes no one is home and then proceeds to break in through the window or door. There was one instance where someone knocked on a door while the mom was at home. She didn’t answer the door, and sure enough, someone was breaking in through the window right before her eyes. So, if you do hear a knock, look through the peephole if you have one and if you don’t recognize the person, just say (with the door closed) that you can’t come to the door right now and sure enough, you will have prevented a burglary.

2. If you are stopped by a police officer, and you have this *strange* instinct that the police officer is fake, you do have the right to just drive away and keep driving. I thought, for sure, if I didn’t talk to the police officer, that would be grounds for an arrest, but, it’s not. If you feel like you don’t trust the police officer, drive away and call 911 and tell them to send another police officer. 911 can track where all the police cars are and let you know if that’s a real police officer or not. Better to be safe than sorry! =)

3. Another last tip…the police officer mentioned that if you have a big purse and you’re shopping, never leave your purse in the shopping cart (of course that's a given, but sometimes our bag can feel a little heavy). There was this one instance at the local WalMart where a mom left her purse in the wagon with her toddler son. She was perusing the clothes aisle and she didn’t even realize that her purse was gone. When she got to the check out line, only then did she realize her purse was gone. So, *always* be wary of your purse when you are shopping!

So, just to be on the *safe* side, always be wary of your belongings and surroundings and always trust your instincts!

Monday, November 3, 2008

How Do You Keep Your Marriage Vibrant?

We had a GREAT discussion going today at our Book Club on how to keep a marriage alive! We all know that sometimes that you fall into this *rut* in your marriage where all your attention is focused on the kids, and the *we* part between you and your hubby is slowly fading away. But, how do we keep our marriage and love between you and your hubby alive? Well, several suggestions came up and here's a couple of tips that were worth sharing:

1. Try not to argue about things that happened more than 24 hours ago. Keep things in the present.

2. Try to do little things for each other. E.g. like putting toothpaste on your spouse's toothbrush, picking up that gallon of milk on the way home, or even helping to clean up after dinner. You will be amazed at how well the little things done are really noticed.

3. Learn to say *sorry* when you know you have done something wrong. It can always feel like a burden lifted off your shoulders.

4. Go on a date night...even try to go out once a month! This is a nice way to spend some quality time with your spouse without the kids asking you a zillion questions a day. AND if you go on a date night, try something different instead of dinner and/or movie...go indoor rock climbing, walk around Waikiki, or even take a hike during the day.

Hope any of the tips helped a bit, and if you got anymore, feel free to leave a comment to share with everyone.